Wills Solicitors

Coupe Bradbury Solicitors

Having a will can give you peace of mind and provide certainty for your family and beneficiaries when the time comes to deal with the administration of your estate. 

You should keep your will up to date, reviewing your circumstances regularly.

When would a will be important?

Minor children – Who would be their guardian following your death?

Co-habiting – If you’re not married your cohabitee will not automatically inherit your estate, which would pass under the intestacy rules to your blood relatives.

Children from a previous relationship – If you are in a relationship and have children from a prior relationship, are both your children and current partner provided for?

Step-children – Do you want them to inherit and be treated as your own children?

Business owner – What would happen if you weren’t there to run your company?

Beneficiary with personal problems – Does your chosen beneficiary have marital, drug, alcohol and financial problems? In this case, you may wish to consider a Trust within the Will.

Tax efficiency – Do you wish to ensure your estate is administered in the most tax-efficient way for your beneficiaries following your death, making use of the appropriate tax reliefs where appropriate?

Need help to write a will?

Please contact James Patterson from our Private Client Department on 01253 922777 to discuss making a will or email: james.patterson@coupe-bradbury.com

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